Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Moved In

17 July (Sunday)
Home sweet home...kind of. I got to see the place I will be staying for the next 5 months. It’s a little far from campus but the place is really nice. I have two roommates both German. The rooms are a nice size, we have a living room with a TV and a dining area. I share the bathroom with just one of the other girls, since one room has its own bathroom. Still haven’t got my luggage so getting a little bit nervous about that. 
I was able to Friends, which is a restaurant about 5 minutes walk, where I got to use the wireless for a little bit. I had to buy a smoothie but it wasn’t that expensive. Since I hadn’t charged my laptop for awhile I couldn’t use it for too long. 
I also went to Pick-N-Pay which is the grocery store and just picked up a few items: cereal, bread, milk and sugar. I can tell it’s going to take awhile to get use to the food options here. 
I FINALLY got to talk to my parents. I was getting sad that I hadn’t had a chance to speak to them yet. I miss them already, especially the little ones. I talked to them for awhile and felt better and I was able to sleep then. Tomorrow is the start of the official orientation and Madiba Day better known as Nelson Mandela’s birthday. Can you believe he will be 93 years old? I think that’s so wonderful. Hopefully tomorrow goes well. Bonne nuit!

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