Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Women's Day-SA

The turbulent 1950s- Women as defiant activists   <~~ Read some of this if you have a chance

"We were singing the song, which says 'Verwoerd the black people will kill you and we do not want Bantu Education' (Verwoerd, batho ba bantsho ba tlo go bolaya and gape ga re batle Bantu Education). And the song was saying: "If you strike a woman, you strike a rock' (Wathint'zBafazi, waThint'IMbokodo')"--Dorothy Masenya, parcipated in the 1956 March to Pretoria

Having never been exposed to South African history except for parts of the Apartheird Movement and Nelson Mandela, I was surprised at how much women in South Africa have done for the country and for the world. Taking this day to really educate myself on what I can get from reading, and talking to those I come in counter with. I think this day is just so lovely.

Happy Women's Day :]

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