Monday, August 8, 2011


My purpose in SA? I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now. There are so many things that come to mind. Am I here to change one persons life? A group? Help someone out? Learn a skill or lesson that will help me in the future? I guess it could be all that and more or none of the above. But really I don’t think I’m here to affect or do anything for SA parse. I think I’m suppose to let SA do something for me. Follow me for a little bit. 
I think i am suppose to let SA, everything from the people,the culture, the beautiful outdoors work its way through me--do what it wants with me.  To learn how to let go and embrace. Not meant to impose anything on anybody or anything. Somewhat like a spong--to be able to take everything in, marinate on it, let it soak in, not rush anything. Possibly prepare me for something--something here in SA maybe, something back at home, something 10 years from now. This season in my life is meant for something. Something I may see in my lifetime, or maybe not. It’s kind of overwhelming to think try and grasp the ideas of purpose...the concept of why I’m here. I can’t give a concrete answer to my purpose but all I know is that I will make the most of it while I am here. I won’t look back on this experience with any “shoulda, coulda, wouldas.” Maybe I’m being to vague, maybe I’m suppose to give a clear cut answer. Maybe I’m looking at the question from the wrong angle? Maybe I’ve said too much, or too little. But with all that put aside I will just ‘let it be’ and live, and allow myself to grow in a this new direction. 
“To thoroughly understand the world, to explain it, to despise it, may be the thing great thinkers do. But I'm only interested in being able to love the world, not to despise it, not to hate it and me, to be able to look upon it and me and all beings with love and admiration and great respect." Siddartha

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