Monday, August 15, 2011


I have been trying to get a library card to the public library here in PE, but its a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. First when I went they told me that I needed to  bring my passport and my proof and residence. Now normally I just don't walk around with those two things. So I went back today and had everything they needed, ready to check out some books...BUT they were "offline." I asked her what that meant because the bank told me that same thing once but I never understood it. Basically it means their internet is down, something with the server. So I was thinking okay I'll come back in a few hours, or maybe the next day....NO, she told me to come back in 12 day...12 business days! She said they had to order a new port or something like that and have it shipped. I think I seriously gave her a staleface look --> -___- (for those who don't know what that is). So for the next two weeks no one can check out books from the public library. But she said it may be sooner than that, I just have to keep calling and checking.

So by the time I make it back to the library to get books, I'll be super geeked :]

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