25 december
Its been about three weeks now since I've been back. And I've been telling myself that I need to finish posting things to my SA blog and make a last post. I haven't necessarily been procrasinating...just holding off. Not wanting to officially close the chapter. I mean obvisouly I've been home long enough to see that its over..but ending the blog is kind of like really closing the case. I wanted to write a last blog to sum up the things that I learned during my experience. Although I didn't write about every detail of my experience, I can say that every positive, negative, frustrating or enjoyable event made my time overseas defintely worthwhile.There was a lot I wanted to blog about race relations in SA, BEE, the educational system, the music, and so much more. One thing I do want to point out. I like the outdoors more than I thought. For those who know me, I've never considered myself an "outdoors person." But the beach, the mountains...it was all so beautiful there. I really miss looking out my window at the beach.
But as I was writing this last post some things that came to my head mostly of what I was able to get out of my experience, and also year since the end is coming soon to 2011. So just wanted to wrap it up with some things that I noticed, considered, and learned. This experience will forever be a very crucial time in my life, where I was able to grow and learn. I hope you enjoyed everything that was posted. I appreciate all those who followed me along on this journey. I am grateful.
- To have an opporunity to trave, outside my comfort zone defintely showed me that I have a comfort zone when it comes to interaction with people that I stick to
- I'm always thinking of things I want to ask...but I don't always ask those questions
- I can't change things that have happened in my past relationships. I have to accept them as things that HAD happened and needed to happen in order for me to learn something
- Everything happens for a reason—I use to say this so much that I don't think I knew why I said it. I had come to a point where I didn't believe in this saying anymore. It was defintely a testing time. And I realized though, that although I cannot always see it in front of me things do happen for a reason. And when I learn a lesson, I need to nuture that lesson and try not to forget, or I may end up in a circular motion, experiencing the same challenges over and over
- Love cannot be purely an emotin/feeling. Needs some mind to it and defintely a strong heart
- Sometimes when I listen to my heart, I end up hurt. I still dont know if I prefer the hurt or if thinking 'what if' is easier. It's defintely less painful I think
- Everyones has a story, and we can never fully understand it all. And I don't think we have to in order appreciate it as their own
- There is a difference between tolerance and acceptance
- I love differences in people (cultures, languages, skin, hair, food). I don't think downplaying differences in others is the way to go. Yes I agree we are all one race, but I we can accept that without diminishing the importance of differences between us either
- I need to forgive myself more
- When you love someone at their worst...that really means something
- Fake, cruel, selfish people are everywhere, that doesn't mean I should let them make me into a fake, cruel or selfish person
- Sometimes people just smell bad. Hygiene is very important
- Almost everything is easier said than done...especially from an outside perspective or from a distance
- When you hold in years and years of feelings/emotions...it comes out at some point, and it comes out randomly and with strength
- A walk on the beach really does calm things down
- Flattery is just hot air
- Trusting people is hard for me because i'm scared of history repeating itsself from past family experiences...I'm working on it
- Being older and watching childrens movies is not the same...wish I could watch them through a child's eyes again
- I really really like ethiopian food
- Being black is hard everywhere you go...even in Africa (didn't expect this)
- It's easy to look and someone elses life and say 'why did they do that? Why did they stay? I would never do that. I would have letf'...when its personal, you start making excuses for yourself
- Still trying to figure out if I prefer attachment or detachment--either way is an extreme
- I'm definitely a dancer at heart. Rhythmn is in me :]
- “Heartache is a sign that the heart is working”..i agree
- Cadbury chocolate is a piece of heaven..Sorry Hershey's you've been beat
- When bad things happen to us...time doesn't stop or rewind as much as we wish it could
- From observaton...social network sites seem to be destroying people's lives...I'm drastically minimizing my interactions this coming year
- Everything isn't black or white; bad or good. Especially people, we are all things considered good or bad at a certain time
Thanks again for all who are still reading! :]
Yea, I reckon with most of your points outlined here and especially point # 28. You think you are a private figure forgetting you are on FB:)