Monday, November 14, 2011

Cape Town (Spring Break)

The week of Spring Break I headed to Cape Town with 4 other people. It was quite an experience. The distance between PE and Cape Town is about 465 miles (approx 9 hours). On the way there, we made a few stops and spent the night when we thought we needed. Below are the basic places we hit. Since we were driving we were able to veer from our original schedule a bit. In Cape Town we were able to do everything we wanted except for visiting Robben Island (the prison which Nelson Mandela served his longest sentence in). They had technical difficulties for two days and we couldn't wait another day to go, since we had to head back. Overall though the trip to great and very memorable. I think I took over 1,000 pictures. Enjoy some of them below!
*Jeffrey's Bay
*Knsya (Waterfront)
*Outdtshoorn (Ostrish Farm); Cango Caves
*Hermanus (Whale Watching)
*Cape town (Simons Bay, Table Mountain, Cape Point, Cape of Good Hope, Long Street)
*Stellenbosch (Wine Tasting)

Snakes are scary looking

Their legs are white because they poop on themselves to keep their legs cool

They were hungry!

Beautiful things...well from a distance anyways

Heading straight into cape town

wine tasting

Fresh pasta made right in front of us

kid moment

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