Monday, September 19, 2011

Enkutatash--Ethiopian New Year

12 September

“The Julian calendar is still used in Ethiopia, hence, New Year is celebrated on 11th September, the 12th for Leap Years. The festival coincides with the end of the rainy season in spring. Gifts of flowers are usually exchanged, as well as cards and gifts.”

I celebrated the Ethiopian New Year with some people that I had met about a month ago. The Ethiopian food was a mixture of meat, vegetables, and a injera which described as "sourdough pancake-like bread." And the food was spicy which I loved the most. One time I ate with them we ate from one big platter with our hands, but this time we each got our own plate. Besides eating for yourself, you get fed and have to feed everyone in the circle. It was quite an experience. But I enjoyed it, it was something very new to me. Afterwards one of the girls made Ethiopian coffee, but I only took a sip because its said to be really strong, and plus I'm not a fan of coffee at all. We also listened to Ethiopian music, got to see some traditional dancing and of course listened to them speak Amharic, their mother tongue. So I get to celebrate two New Year's this complaints to that!

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